Awareness sessions conducted at Anganwadi Centres in Delhi to promote healthy eating habits and discourage the consumption of junk food and packaged items among children.


Awareness sessions conducted at Anganwadi Centres in Delhi to promote healthy eating habits and discourage the consumption of junk food and packaged items among children

 27 SEP 2024  Delhi (prajaamaravati);

As part of the POSHAN Maah 2024 celebrations, awareness sessions were conducted at Anganwadi Centres across various districts of Delhi to promote healthy eating habits and discourage the consumption of junk food and packaged items among children. The sessions encouraged the inclusion of homemade meals and discussed the importance of proper nutrition during pregnancy.

Home visits by Anganwadi workers to promote kitchen gardening

Additionally, Anganwadi workers made home visits to promote kitchen gardening as a sustainable way for families to grow nutritious food. These visits aimed to increase community engagement in creating self sufficient source of healthy and fresh foods.

PIC 1                                     PIC 2

PIC 1-Home visits conducted in District West to create awareness regarding importance of kitchen gardening

Pic 2-Session to create promote kitchen gardening, fresh and home made food in Project Nawada, district South West.

To raise awareness about the nutritional needs of pregnant women, audio messages were disseminated through the Kilkari Programme. These messages provided guidance on essential dietary requirements during pregnancy, helping mothers make informed choices for their health and that of their unborn children.

Community awareness regarding healthy and unhealthy food

Session at AWC for promoting homemade food over junk / packed food.
